Osteopathic Treatment
A healthy mouth is a mouth that correctly performs all its multiple functions: chewing, sucking, swallowing, phonation, breathing, cognitive-emotional function and balance.
Osteopathic manual intervention allows a “global” approach to the problems caused by a malfunction of the mouth, obtaining an improvement in the problems.
In paediatric age, orthodontic dysfunctions can be addressed: atypical swallowing, cross-byte swallowing and breathing.
In adults, problems of the stomatognathic system, such as loss of mobility of the temporomandibular joint, activation of the trigeminal nerve or spasm of the closing muscles of the temporomandibular joint.
The structures of the buccal cavity (tongue, jaw closure and opening muscles, expressive muscles, teeth and the temporomandibular joint) can also be perturbed by tissues outside the stomatognathic apparatus itself. Osteopathy, thanks to its holistic approach, is an indispensable aid in achieving results in improving problems related to the mouth.