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Teacher: Paolo Desirò FT DO

from 21 to 22 March 2024


The course will take place over 3 days, includes three areas of focus: the theoretical aspect of SLDs, osteopathic intervention related to the functional rebalancing of structures related to learning problems, the use of brain techniques to obtain a better functioning of the structures involved in cognition.
Communication with the child/young person and the family during treatment is to motivate everyone in this path of growth.
The intent of this training is to propose a new training path that leads to a new osteopathic identity of the therapist and the methods of the course are also applicable for most of our patients.
The aim of the course is the acquisition of the knowledge described above and its integrated use in clinical activity.
Minimum requirements to participate in this 5th year Osteopathy seminar


Since 2018 he has been registered with the TSRM Order as a Physiotherapist of Florence n°161.

In 2016 he was a lecturer in Osteopathy in the Master’s Degree “Integrated Clinical Posturology in Developmental Age” at the University of Brescia.

In 2015 he was a lecturer in Fascial Osteopathy for the Asociatia Pentru Cercetare si Train in Osteopathies Romania

Since 2012 he has been a lecturer and head of fascial matter for the OSCE School of Osteopathy in Bologna.

From 2012 to 2017 he was Professor of Osteopathy at the University Master “Complementary Medicine and Integrated Therapies” Faculty of Medicine University of Siena.

From 2010 to 2012 he taught at the CRESO School of Osteopathy and held post-graduate seminars on Osteopathy in the visceral field.

Since 2007 he has been registered in the Osteopathic Register of Italy, registration card no. 835 Rome It.

Since 2006 he has been holding seminars for Fisiogym s.r.l Provider n° 2976 of the Ministry of Health.

In 2001 he completed the training of the Franco-Italian School of Osteopathic Manual Therapy.

His education and teaching experience: in 1993 he graduated in Massage Physiotherapy, a title equivalent to the Degree in Physiotherapy.

Seminar Location: Via Guelfa 116, Florence (S.M.N. Station area)

Phone: +39 3336209898

Minimum Requirements: 5th Year Osteopathic Student

Participants: The course is activated with a minimum number of 8 participants and the limit of participants is 12 participants.

Costs:  500 €

Payment method: to register, make a bank transfer to the account of Paolo Desirò, BANCO BPM AG2 Firenze, IBAN IT75 I 05034 02800 000000140460 within 30 days and forward it by email to formazionedesiro@gmail.com together with your tax data


Considerations regarding learning problems. How a functional intervention can intervene on learning. Vision, coordination, rhythm factors
to improve learning.

The eye and its motor coordination. The optic nerve and visual area, their physiology and osteopathic treatment. The nerves of the muscles of the eye, physiology and its manual treatment. Locomotor correlations related to eye muscle problems. The dorsolateral cortex of the prefrontal and its correlations with saccadic movements.

Considerations on the brain and related Brodmann’s areas and osteopathic treatment.

Considerations on the cerebellum, coordinator of eye movement and body movement, how important is motor coordination to assimilate the study, related manual treatment.

The physiology of the nuclei of the oculomotor, abducens and trochlear nerves and their treatment.

The visual cortex, its physiology and osteopathic treatment. The medulla oblongata, their physiology related to treatment. The temporal lobe, its physiology and its
manual treatment. The pre-motor and motor cortex, their importance for writing. The corpus callosum is the area of intersection of information. The hippocampus is our memory bank, its correlation with the amygdala, the place where school stress accumulates in children with learning problems. Related osteopathic treatment.
Frontal lobe and its physiology in children and its treatment.

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