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Teacher: Paolo Desirò FT DO

from 1 to 3 May 2025


There cannot be a good quality of rhythm of a cavity if there is not a good balance with the others, in a vestibular disorder we must not forget to rebalance both the thoracic cavity and the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Then we will try to understand how to normalize the three cavities by working on their internal fulcrums and they will restore the harmonic rhythms of the tissues.

Objectives of the course:

• Understand the dysfunctional pattern
• Identify primary somatic dysfunctions
• manage the patient during treatment
• Improve treatment synthesis and efficacy
• Improve perceptual dexterity.

External and internal surface chains: anatomy and biomechanics
The cranial cavity: The importance of intervening on balance, even in non-pathological cases, and the structures connected to the vestibular nucleus is of primary importance in the organization of treatment. The manipulation of central nervous system plasticity is a topic, little proposed in the training sphere, which requires specific and guided training, but which gives amazing results. These methods will allow us to improve stability and also manage motor coordination. You will learn to treat the main centers related to balance including: the cerebellum, the nuclei of the oculomotor cranial nerves, the vestibular nucleus, etc.

The Chest Cavity: Breathing

Breathing treatment does not only involve the diaphragm, such a primary function cannot be limited to just one muscle. Structures from the nasal cavity to the thoracic cavity, such as central nervous system structures, pons areas, and medulla oblongata, are involved in respiratory management. We also find ourselves talking about breathing, which is also closely linked to emotional components in anxious patients, the typical patient of our clinics. In the practical part, we will consider all respiratory and nervous structures in correlation with the relative system. The effects of respiratory dysfunction on the rest of the body will also be discussed. Non-J.P. Barral techniques related to the chest cavity will be taught.

The abdominal and pelvic cavity: Food absorption and reproductive systems.

Considerations on the dysfunctions of structures related to food absorption, increasingly present in a community that feeds in excess and moves very little like ours. The seminar will also talk about dysfunctions on the absorption system adaptive to balance, circulatory return and emotional causes. Non-Barral techniques related to the abdominal cavity will be taught. Distant correlations via fascial chains will also be presented.

The producing organs are closely connected to the pelvic floor and the cruciate fascial system. Their correlations with the structures of the pelvis and their correlations with the fascial chains of the lower limb and the lumbosacral plexus will be discussed. Also in this we will talk about the dysfunctions of the pelvis in correlation of balance, return circulation and emotional.

The Three Cavities

Osteopathic treatment must always involve the three cavities, each cavity involves the other cavities creating fluid stasis and therefore an alteration in fluid rhythms. The cavities will adapt to the rhythms of the other cavities. Like any cavity, it has fulcrums to manage external forces and compensate against the forces of the ground and gravity. It is up to us osteopaths what strategies to adopt to improve the fluid rhythms of the three cavities.

The aim of the course is to better understand the management of the patient by detaching ourselves from the symptom, but considering it as the patient’s complaints office, so they come to visit us.

“In the primary mechanism, a fulcrum is not an anatomical point, it is an energetic place.” J.A Duval How to differentiate an energetic fulcrum, therefore fundamental for our quality of life, and a fulcrum that , which is a real dysfunction that perturbs the cavity and circulation of fluids.


Since 2023 he has been a member of the Order of Florence FNOFI n° 156.

From 2012 to 2023 he was lecturer and head of fascial matter for the OSCE School of Osteopathy in Bologna.

Since 2018 he has been registered with the TSRM Order as a Physiotherapist of Florence n°161.

In 2016 he taught Osteopathy in the second level University Master’s Degree “Integrated Clinical Posturology in Developmental Age” at the University of Brescia.

In 2015 he was a lecturer in Fascial Osteopathy for the Asociatia Pentru Cercetare si Train in Osteopathies Romania

From 2012 to 2017 he taught Osteopathy in the first level University Master “Complementary Medicine and Integrated Therapies” Faculty of Medicine University of Siena.

From 2010 to 2012 he taught at the CRESO School of Osteopathy and held post-graduate seminars on Osteopathy in the visceral field.

Since 2007 he has been registered in the Osteopathic Register of Italy, registration card no. 835 Rome It.

Since 2006 he has been holding seminars for Fisiogym s.r.l Provider n° 2976 of the Ministry of Health.

In 2001 he completed the training of the Franco-Italian School of Osteopathic Manual Therapy.

In 1993 he graduated in Massage Physiotherapy, a title equivalent to the Degree in Physiotherapy.

Seminar Location: Via Guelfa 116, Florence (S.M.N. Station area)

Phone: +39 3336209898

Seminar hours:

Minimum Requirements: 5th Year Osteopathic Student

Participants: The course is activated with a minimum number of 8 participants and the limit of participants is 12 participants.

Costs: 550€

Payment method: to register, make a bank transfer to the account of Paolo Desirò, BANCO BPM AG2 Firenze, IBAN IT75 I 05034 02800 000000140460 within 30 days and forward it by email to formazionedesiro@gmail.com together with your tax data

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